Products are now designed to be connected, all the time, everywhere. However, until recently, security was not a primary consideration during the design phase. This creates a gap in the different industries connecting technologies, hence presenting a risk.

REEKON provides services to fill this gap by providing training, consulting,  testing, and helping our partners to reach certification for faster product launches.


We help our clients in the each stage of their SoftPOS development. As PCI MPoC became the globally accepted standard for the SoftPOS solution, we have created multiple services to support our client's journey.

Training (Workshop)

We focus on providing an understanding of PCI-MPoC specifications and give our clients an understanding to kick-start the design activities for new products.

We can also work on defining migration strategy from currently certified products based on card brand certification, or PCI CPoC, to achieve certification on PCI MPoC.

The training offerings can be customized in terms of content and duration based on our client's needs.

For our clients with existing solutions, we focus on Gap Analysis and Requirements Mapping to provide quick steps to define attaining certification readiness.

Our training services can be conducted either remotely or on-site.

Technical Consulting & Documentation Support

We help our clients with a set of consulting activities focusing on improving product security compliance with PCI MPoC. These activities include;
- Architecture & design review
- Detailed design creation
- Resource and roadmap planning

Documentation Service:
We have created a set of documentation baselines that can be used by our clients to prepare for the certification. We provide this package and associated support for them to fill these baselines for certification preparations.

Business Consulting

In addition to our technical support, we see value in providing services on the business side of the SoftPOS solution. The goal is not only focusing on the achievement of certification but also facilitating revenue increase for our clients after PCI MPoC certification. In summary, we provide the following activities to achieve this.
- Review the current roadmap and business plan on SoftPOS and offerings.
- Provide global market status and trends on SoftPOS.
- Workshop on SoftPOS positioning and possible business models.
- Deliver a set of presentation slides and notes/action plans for the Client.
- Presentation and brainstorming of 1 day;  can be done face to  on-site for a more efficient outcome.


POS terminals still continue to be the key infrastructure of payment acceptance throughout retailers, and transportation, while providing a platform role to enable services such as reward programs.

Training (Workshop)

We provide training offerings that can be utilized in the early stages of product development of PCI-PTS product that can be with PIN entry support, or without PIN support (SRED).

The focus of these trainings are;
- The security threats posed to payment terminals.
- The PCI PTS requirements for securing payment terminals.
- How to implement and maintain the PCI PTS requirements throughout the product life cycle.

EMV L1 training:
We also provide training for EMVCo standards, with the main focus being EMVCo L1 requirements and the architectural impact of it.

Technical Consulting & Documentation Support

We help our clients with a set of consulting activities focusing on improving product security compliance with PCI PTS. These activities include;
- Architecture & design review
- Detailed design creation
- Resource and roadmap planning

Documentation Service:
We have created a set of documentation baselines that can be used by our clients to prepare for the certification. We provide this package and associated support for them to fill these baselines for certification preparations.

Tool Support

We work with our trusted partner KEOLABS to provide our clients with qualified tool support that will enable them to cost and time saving during EMV L1 certifications.

Besides EMV L1, standards such as NFC, and ISO are also well-covered for verifying any contactless data transfer.

Automotive Cybersecurity



We provide services that focus on understanding the organizational readiness of our clients for ISO/SAE 21434 audit.

This service can be summarized under 3 topics.

Initial assessment and gap analysis: To assess the current state at both the organization level and project level before the development or implementation of ISO/SAE 21434.

Readiness assessment: To assess the readiness at both or level and project level after the development or implementation of ISO/SAE 21434.

Compliance assessment: To assess the organizational compliance at both the organizational level and the project level to certify by ISO/SAE 21434.


We offer training services following the assessment phase that is interactive sessions of engagement with our client.

The training service can be summarized into 3 steps.

Executive overview: To provide an overview of the Automotive Cybersecurity standard to the senior management of the organization.

Managers awareness: To provide an awareness of the Automotive Cybersecurity standard to the functional managers in the organization.

Implementers certification: To provide a detailed understanding of the Automotive Cybersecurity standard and its processes for implementation to the practitioners / project members of the organization.

Documentation Support

We have created a set of documentation baselines that can be used by our clients to prepare for the audit. We provide this package and associated support for them to fill these baselines for audit preparations.

AI Cybersecurity

Use AI to detect Cybersecurity threats

Training Overview

The purpose of this training is to enhance participants' understanding and awareness of AI concepts, tools, tactics, and methodologies; appreciate the value AI brings to cybersecurity initiatives; and discover practical ways to apply AI for threat detection in their work.


- Identify key characteristics of AI-powered cyber threats and understand their unique aspects.
- Explain why defense against AI-powered cyber threats is crucial for global digital security.
- Describe various types of AI defense technologies and approaches.
- Explain how these techniques can be utilized to bolster their cybersecurity efforts.

We offer this training with our partner AI Guidance.

Our Locations
Taiwan: No. 2, Section 4, Nanjing E Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 105

Singapore: 68 Circular Road, #02-01,049422, Singapore
India: Vibudha Priya Nagar 2nd cross, Karnataka, Udupi 576102